Eight Options for Outdoor Lighting
Understanding the different types of lighting is just one piece of the puzzle when considering how to implement the best approach.
5 Best Ways to Finish the Underside of Decks & Porches
With all the design selections to be made for your deck and porch, the underside finishing is typically an afterthought.
Is Composite Decking a Sustainable Option?
Composite decking stands out as an eco-friendly choice that enhances the appeal of your home!
Meet the Team: Todd Jurkowski and his Lights for Hope
We decorate to bring joy and cheer to the neighborhood. We even “lit up” the HOPE FASTER sign in our yard!
How to Design a Pet-Friendly Deck, Porch & Patio
As a responsible pet owner, you want every corner of your living space to be pet friendly! Let’s hear it for the pets!